
"We dont just listen to our clients. We live their experiences alongside them. Our deep connection to the culture is what allows us to guide them through this once-in-a-lifetime journey. After meeting with us for the first time our clients walk away with a complete sense of trust in what we do and that trust is what allows us to capture natural moments that speak volumes for generations to come.

(Benjamin Kohen)
Portrait of Benjamin Kohen

About Benjamin Kohen

Hello! I'm Benjamin Kohen, and I have the extraordinary privilege of being a Jewish wedding photographer. To me, each wedding is a vibrant story waiting to be told, rich with traditions that are as meaningful as they are beautiful. My camera is my pen, and through it, I write visual narratives of love, heritage, and joy.

Jewish weddings are a symphony of emotions and customs, each resonating with historical significance and personal sentiment. From the intimate moments of the Tish and Bedeken to the soulful vows under the Chuppah and the euphoric whirl of the Hora dance, I aim to capture the spirit and the heartbeat of these occasions. My style is deeply rooted in documentary photography, yet it's infused with a sensitivity to the nuances of Jewish culture.

As I weave through these celebrations, my lens focuses on the laughter that echoes, the tears that are shed in happiness, and the myriad of expressions that tell unspoken stories. I am there amid the joyous uproar, yet also attuned to the quiet, introspective instants. To me, photography is more than capturing images; it's about immortalizing memories, it's about framing moments that will be treasured and relived for generations.

Being part of your special day, preserving the essence of your celebration, and crafting a legacy of memories is not just my profession, it's my passion. Each photograph I take is a testament to the beauty and uniqueness of your story, a story interwoven with timeless traditions and heartfelt emotions.

"I capture what I feel. For me, the power of genuine emotions is more important than artistic vision. Style becomes secondary and sometimes can even be constricting when what you're after is an arresting beauty of the moment itself. Close your eyes and try to remember your life's first significant event. What you FEEL are the images my team and I try to capture."


The studio

The Benjamin Kohen Studio brand was built on that same idea. Our talented team shares the same passion for the moment itself. I capture what I feel. For me, the power of genuine emotions in a scene is more important than artistic vision. Style becomes secondary and sometimes can even be constricting when what you're after is the inherent beauty of the moment itself. Close your eyes and try to remember your life's first significant event. What you FEEL are the images my team and I try to capture. Our tools help us craft these beautiful occasions creatively.

It’s always a gratifying feeling to be granted awards and showered with accolades. Over the years, my team and I have earned some of the best and biggest awards in the world! Our drive is not dictated by the number of awards we get. Our biggest claim to fame is working with you and our biggest accolade is doing the same for your friends and family. Let's document your experience!

Love what you see?